Sunday 1 November 2015


I'm on YouTube!!!!!!!!

So far, I've made two videos.

Firstly, a simple little hijab tutorial. Its up and ready to view. Click here to watch.

Going up later tonight (inshallah) is a haul video.

This YouTube stuff is pretty hard. Kudos to all the pros.

Its so awkward talking to a camera. I've noticed I fiddle and touch my face excessively. Hopefully this will reduce as my confidence grows.

Please like, comment, and subscribe to my channel :) :) :)

Monday 12 October 2015

Numero Uno

So I found this blog floating around on the internet from 4 years ago!
The posts were ΓΌber embarrassing and I had to delete them all of course.

That being said, I think I'm going to give this blogging thing another crack.


Hi, my name is Sera. A born and bred Melbournite, I like food, coffee and fashion (its what we're known for). Obviously enough, that is probably what this blog will consist mostly of.

Anywho, keep checking in, (hopefully) I'll be updating regularly.

Peace and love xx

follow me on instagram: sera_ada